Janina BrunsÂ
Front desk managerÂ
"Have you ever answered the phone with 'Romantik Hotel Jagdhaus Eiden' at home?"
"Yes, I think at least 10 times."
"Do you dream at night about room occupancy, room changes, etc.?"
*laughs* "Yes, that happens to me sometimes. During stressful times, I even talk about it in my sleep."
Mirko HellbuschÂ
Purchasing and IT
"Have you become addicted to shopping?"
"No, not quite yet. However, you do have to be careful not to buy 200 bottles of wine at home, just 2."
"Have you ever fallen victim to a computer virus in your private life?"
"No, thankfully not. I'm very careful not to click on unfamiliar links, etc., both at home and at work."
Thomas Eilers
Head ChefÂ
"You are married and have three children. Are you also the head chef at home?"
"At our home, we have an equal 'kitchen management,' and we prefer to cook together."
Jennifer Wöhrmeyer
Human Resources Manager
Alexandra GrendelÂ
Housekeeping ManagerÂ
"When you go on vacation in a hotel, do you inspect the hotel room as you do at the Eiden, or can you simply relax?"
"No, I can usually always relax. Occasionally, I check if the dust has been wiped. I might think, 'what kind of carpet do they have here,' or when I go out to eat, I observe the decor."
"How clean is it at your home?"
"I would say it's like here at the Romantik Hotel Jagdhaus Eiden. When I have guests, they always complain and ask, 'does it have to be like this?'"
Marco ScheperÂ
F&B Director and SommelierÂ
"Have you tried every wine on our menu?"
"Almost, that will take a few more years. I'm especially looking forward to our most expensive 5000 Euro wine..."
"Do you also drink cheap wine from the discount store in private, or does professional honor not allow it?"
"I tried, but after 2 bottles (given the prices, you have to drink more), I never felt particularly good afterward. So, I've steered clear of that."
Gerd zur BrĂĽgge juniorÂ